قطاع الثقافة: مباراة توظيف 05 أساتذة محاضرين من الدرجة الأولى. آخر أجل هو 29 دجنبر 2023

 of Morocco

Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication

Culture sector


Decision of the Minister of Youth, Culture and Communication

No. DRH-23-017 dated December 14, 2023 

Conducting a competition to hire “A” lecturers in the culture sector

The Minister of Youth, Culture and Communication;

Based on Royal Decree No.... .

Decides the following:

Article One:  The Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication, Culture Sector, will organize, on January 16, 2024, at the National Institute of Archeology and Heritage, located in the city of Al-Irfan, corner of alleys No. 5 and alleys No. 7, Rabat, starting at ten in the morning, a competition to employ lecturers of the “A” category. The number of positions to be contested for shall be limited to five (05) positions.

Article Two:  Nomination Conditions: This competition is open to candidates of Moroccan nationality who hold a doctoral diploma, state doctorate, or any certificate recognized as equivalent to them, in the following specializations:

work location

Number of positions



 National Institute of Archeology and Heritage


Prehistoric or zoological ontology

Doctorate, state doctorate, or a recognized certificate 



Pre-Islamic monuments

Or Islamic antiquities

Or history and heritage

Or history and archeology

Or history and civilization



Geophysics (geology or physics) or geography (geomorphology)


25% of the positions are reserved for candidates who have the status of a resistance fighter, sponsored by the nation, military veteran, or war veteran, and 7% of them are reserved for persons with disabilities; Candidates to pass this competition are required to be at least 18 years old and at most 45 years old, for non-employee candidates. This condition is not taken into consideration for employee candidates.

Article Three: The nomination file consists of the following 


I.Electronic file:

Nomination files must be submitted compulsorily and exclusively on the information software prepared for this purpose by registering on the website depot.emploi-public.ma , along with uploading the digitized documents supporting the nomination request in (PDF) format no later than December 29, 2023 at 4:30 pm (16:30). It includes:      

A written request to the Director of the National Institute of Archeology and Heritage, including the family and personal name and the specialty for which you wish to apply;

- The candidate's curriculum vitae (CV) ; 

- A copy of the national ID card (both sides);

- A copy of the certificates and titles  or one of the equivalent certificates specified in accordance with the applicable legal requirements, accompanied by copies of the equivalence decision issued by the competent authorities. The success certificate is not considered valid;

-  A copy of a certificate showing disability for people with special needs;

A copy of a certificate proving the status of a resistance fighter, a guarantor of the nation, an old soldier, or a veteran for candidates who have one of these qualities (candidates who have one of these qualities must submit their applications according to the nomination procedure, with the procedure completed later through the departments in charge of managing their affairs);

- For employee candidates, the nomination application must be accompanied by the approval of the department to which they belong, obligatorily received by the central departments in charge of human resources for the department concerned. 

II. Paper file:  Candidates complete their nomination files by depositing:

The nomination file consisting of the same documents referred to in the previous paragraph;

-Criminal record;

- Five copies of  the doctoral thesis or state doctorate and five copies of the total research work carried out by the candidate personally or in collaboration, which includes, in particular, articles, writings, monographic studies, and evidence proving participation in scientific forums and seminars .

These documents shall be deposited at the National Institute of Archeology and Heritage in an envelope or large envelopes bearing the name of the candidate and the specialty for which he or she was competing, in exchange for a deposit receipt delivered by the administration of the aforementioned institute , which is located in Madinat al-Irfan, corner of alley No. 5 and alley No. 7, Rabat,  within  the same deadlines previously specified. 


(All nomination files that are not registered electronically, without uploading the required documents, or submitted outside the mentioned deadlines, or that do not meet the required conditions, or that are missing one of the documents mentioned above, will not be taken into consideration) .

Article Four:  The lists of candidates accepted to pass the competition, as well as the final results of the match, including the waiting list, are published on the public employment portal  www.emploi-public.ma and on the website of the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication - Culture Sector  www.mjcc.gov.ma. The lists of candidates are considered Those who are accepted are considered a summons to pass the aforementioned competition.  

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